Saturday, May 23, 2009

Enjoying the Moments

Upon thinking of the future I squirm inside as I look out on the panorama of nature right here from my present living room window. I love nature. I love looking out on the ever changing seasons manifest in the hill and rolling fields spread out in front of me. Where will I get the solice I feel when I look out my future living room window?

But wait. Will I have a livingroom window to look out? What will unfold in these tumultuous times? Once we jump over the many barriers and hoops this impending life change presents, will we have the funds, time and energy it takes to create a home?

I yank my thoughts from this path of thinking. I must stop right now and savor the day, the hour and moment, right now. I think, "I am here right now. I must stay in the present and do what a blind woman did when she was ushered into a motley care facility... She stated to the care-giver pushing her down the hall to her new room, all dark and unadorned..., 'I can just see my room in my mind's eyes... it is bright and cheery with lovely lace curtains that fultter in a languid breeze off a green hillside of grazing cattle... I choose to see this... to focus on right now...which is in fact the only time God has really given us.

The concerns of the future have no part in this present time.

With this in mind, I ponder the hillside and see the, now golden field studded with large oaks brigh in the overcast morning chill. Birds are hopping and darting through the air making their vocal presence known. Some churps, some sharp complaining calls and every once in awhile ...oh I hear it the melodious songs from meadow lark to mocking bird. Oh do you hear it...the cooing of the doves and oh, the quail with their busy sounds.

Yes, I choose to focus on and internalize these precious sensations and not think about the gray haze of the unknown.